Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Afropedia for AFRICANS
Ethiopedia or Encyclopedia for AFRICA and AFRICANS
Welcome to Afropdia, the free Encyclopedia for Afropdians. We will give clear pictures about the history, languages and cultures of Ethiopia and its people all National and Nationality ( The Africans ),( WE DO ALL LOVE EACH OTHER, WE ARE ALL AFRICANS ) From South to the North from East to the West. The posts and most of the images will be original factual information from the kəbrä nägäst or the Book of the Glory of Kings of Africans, is an account written in Ge'ez volumes of the Emperor Ethiopian Library located in Addis Abeba ( the city of all AFRICANS ).
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Empire Negash
The Emperor ( ge'ez=Nəgusä Nägäst, "King of Kings") of Ethiopia / Eritrea.
Emperior Negash, Ethiopian Empire 622-632 AD, states that the name is derived from BAHRI NEGUSE / BAHRE NEGGUSSE 'or ' NEGASH. BAHRI / BAHRE 'NEGASH.' / The Sea of the KING of KINGS or KINGDOM / Ruler of the sea and Rule of the sea / Melake Baher ( God of the Sea );"
The Emperor / is originally the highest dignitaries in the Emperial Ethiopia " the Melake Baher ( God of the Sea ) or the protectors of the Ark of the Covenant."
The Name Negash / Neggusse or Negus, ( mentioned in the Old & the New Testament - Ethiopian / Eritrean-Bible ).
Emperor Negash " a king rules without injustice, a land of truthfulness " and immigrant's ( refugee from over sea ) were received warmly and accorded hospitality by the Negus. Ethiopia and Eritrea ( Bahr Neggusse or Bahri Neguse/ Negus / NEGASH ) has traditionally served as a receptor country for immigrant's and those displaced from neighboring countries and mostly came from over sea.
As all human beings are, in my view, said the Ethiopian Negus Negash, you are creatures of God's design and immigrant's generation in our land. We must respect all other human beings. That does not mean I have to agree with their choices or agree with their opinions, but indeed I respect them as human beings.
You have to see and hear and otherwise experience very largely as you do because the negative language habits of your community predispose certain choices of interpretation to the natives or none immigrant's of the land of the Nəgusä Nägäst (ge'ez).
So your life is the sum result of all the choices you make, both consciously and unconsciously. If you can control the process of choosing, you can take control of all aspects of your life. You can find the freedom under the Ethiopia people & their Flags that comes from being in charge of yourself and generation at generation ahead.
The refugees who had expected to be left in peace, the Negus said:
In the name of Jesus: Qouted, ( Revelation 1:8 ):
" I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, " says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." & then said,: Qouted,( Isaiah 43:10,11 ):
"You are My witnesses," says the Lord, and My servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, Nor shall there be after Me. I, even I, am the Lord, and besides Me there is no Savior.
Then addressing to the Refugees from over sea:
"There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions of the land of the NEGUS / NEGGUSSE / NEGASH known as Ethiopia the land of African as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them to leave this peaceful nation.", then he said:
" I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
So " You can stay in Ethiopia as your homes and live in peace."
Emperor Negash (622 - 632 AD) who, also founded the town of Negash, in the North part of Ethiopia; some 850 km north of Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia.
"After 1400 years still those refugees are living in the town of Negash in peace."
The numerous churches and monasteries in different parts of Ethiopia and Eritrea, and their manuscript collections, bear witness to the ancient history of all the ROCK-HEWN CHURCHES and MONASTRIES. The very naming of the Negash town & the surrounded churches, monastries and chapels are an indication of the deep affinity that the Ethiopian & Eritrean OF ALL christians, their church feels for the Bible and for Jerusalem. One of the unknown by much of the world, the monks and nuns of the Ethiopian /Eritrean & the Christian Church, have for centuries quietly maintained the only presence by black people in one of Christianity’s holiest city, and their Holy Churchs are in JERUSALEM, MARIAM DEARIT/ ERITREA (Bahri Neggusse) and in the town of NEGASH northern part of ETHIOPIA.
Early Church of this town NEGASH and the NEGGUSES /Fathers = Nəgusä Nägästat realized in their study of that fulfilment that just as Old Testament types prefigured Christ, so too were types that pointed to people and events associated with his salvific mission. This typological principle at interpreting the Bible led the Nəgusä Nägästat to conclude:
"The Old Testament is revealed in the New & the New Testament is concealed in the Old. "
The overland trade route of the parts of Bahri Neggusse now /Eritrea / with the rest of the world through Adoulis and other Ports had it's own contacts with India, Rome, Jerusalem, near & far east Asia and even with China, long before other parts of Africa did. The earliest written evidence we have about Ethiopia / Bahr Negash / comes from a Ge'ez guide book for sailors and travelrs of ETHIOPIA /ERITREA. In addition to the ports, African individual who travelled throughout the land selling their merchandise facilitated trade. Empire Negash, in imposing a political empire over this network, offered the peace and security that allowed the gold and ivory trade to flourish in East Africa.
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